
Kata Rokkar — Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Archives: This Week In Bay Area Live Shows


Florida’s own SUNBEARS! (that’s their band name, I’m not yelling at you) have finally been touring this great USA with their new album You Will Live Forever. Seriously, it’s about time. They have already released two ace EPs; the psychedelic and bombastic FOR EVERYONE and the consciousness-expanding and mind-shattering Dream Happy Dreams. You Will Live Forever, the 13-track Kickstarter-funded album has launched SUNBEARS! into the blogosphere and for good reason. You Will Live Forever is a playful display of psychedelic pop music for the non-cynical crowd. Songs like The Uncertainty Paradigm are covered in 60s influence, with echo-chamber voices, intentionally over-compressed drums, and a positivity that is hard to dismiss.

YAY AREA SHOW: Sea of Bees / Rachel Fannan / Chloe Makes Music at Cafe Du Nord

This coming Friday will be a “who’s who” showcase of the Bay Area’s finest in female folk-rock. We have ex-Sleepy Sun co-vocalist Rachel Fannan, who was in my opinion the driving force behind the band. Her solo material (formally called Birds Fled From Me) is lighter and more experimental than her previously desert rock Goddess… Read the full article

Concert Preview: White Hinterland, Hardly Strictly, Guided By Voices, First Aid Kit, and Arcade Fire

We usually don’t announce shows that are happening over the weekend (we leave that duty for fellow blogger, Epicsauce), but there are a lot of things we are excited about. First off we have our own show with soulful chillwave group White Hinterland, experimental electro act Elephant and Castle (EP Release Party!), and avant-jazz group… Read the full article