An elusive new project from electro-pop composer Hugo Manuel of the UK outfit Jonquil, delivers equal parts synthetic nostalgia, dream-pop lullabies, and echoing vocal noise to create something eerier than the sum of its parts. The glistening new album Equitorial Ultravox, is a demonstration of layering skills and a collection of spacious sounds that push past loft parties and into solo headphone sessions. The music is an elegant side of summer-styled beach-tronica and portrayed in an almost classy approach. Even the vocals reach a calumnious cloud level of wistful emotion that’s easy to relate and let oneself go to. This isn’t average melody driven electro-pop, this is too carefully crafted for that.
You can purchase Equitorial Ultravox .
You can also catch Chad Valley with Active Child at the Bottom of the Hill on September 28th. Tickets here.
This week we have Hugo Manuel himself answer the world famous Kuestionnaire as he expresses his mild love for listen to Queen on the road.
1. Could you state your name and what you do?
I am Hugo Manuel, and i perform music under the name of Chad Valley.
2. How would you describe your sound?
Pop music made with computers.
3. What is your favorite local band?
In Oxford there was this band called Hold My Hand I’m Dying. Which is a pretty great name, right.
4. Any concerts that blew your mind recently?
Not really. It takes a lot to blow my mind, and I don’t really like live music.
5. Any non-musical influences you would like to mention?
Lakes and rivers and any other bodies of water.
6. If your music was to be the theme of a film/TV show, what would it be?
Who wants to be a millionaire
7. What musician/artist would you like to collaborate with for a day?
8. What is the album you listen to on a cold rainy day?
Prefab Sprout – Steve McQueen
9. List four songs you would listen to on a roadtrip?
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now,
Queen – You’re my Best Friend
Queen – I want to break free
Queen and David Bowie – Under Pressure
10. Where do you see yourself in 7 years?
Being a stripper
11. What is the last book you read?
Appetite for destruction – Nick Kent
12. Is image a factor in music or is it a waste of time?
Its very important, but I don’t think its a deciding factor. If you listen to music with your eyes then you are listening to it wrong.
13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you would like to share?
In my other band, Jonquil, I used to sit down to play, and once the stool I was sat on collapsed underneath me in the middle of a particularly quiet moment of a song.
14. Any favorite tour locations?
Poland, in general. Very special country, and the poles like music in a way that no one else does.
15. Lastly, what is your present state of mind?
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Chad Valley – Fast Challenges from Equatorial Ultravox (2011)
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Active Child – Playing House (Chad Valley Remix)