Oakland/Berkeley trio Hetch Hetchy (Yosemite, anyone?) sounds a bit like their listed influences, but not as much as I would have thought considering they list a large variety of droning instrumental bands. The music they perform on the October 2010 release Glen Worple are gravitating toward a more Shearwater / brit-chamber-pop than a sample heavy instrumental drone group. The music is still layered and quite dense and would go together well with an obscure slideshow of surreal images this side of Dali. While the band is shy to perform live, you can still download their entire album free of charge (or with a healthy donation) here.
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[mp3] Hetch Hetchy – The Sea It Ate Us Up from Glen Worple (2010)
Crafted with care and covered in Victorian influence, Foxtails Brigade has recently released a few new tracks from their upcoming April 2011 release, The Bread and the Bait. Fronted by guitarist/lyricist Laura Weinbach, her charm is not nearly as impenetrable as her cosmic poetry or, for that matter, the band’s baroque-like music. Stay tuned for more from this very special group.
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[mp3] Foxtails Brigade – The Bread and the Bait from The Bread and the Bait (2011)
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[mp3] Foxtails Brigade – The Hours from The Bread and the Bait (2011)
Producer of Elvis Perkin’s 2006 album, Ash Wednesday, Ethan Gold comes from behind the curtain to reveal his own material. Songs From A Toxic Apartment is a mixture of Americana singer-songwriter drama with raw Pablo Honey-era punch, not unlike Perkins himself. The songs are short and sound damaged, like we should feel something past content when listening to it. You can be the judge of that.
Songs From A Toxic Apartment releases tomorrow, you can purchase it .
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[mp3] Ethan Gold – Come on Beat it Down from Songs from a Toxic Apartment (2011)