Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Kuestionnaire: Poor Bailey

Kuestionnaires, Music



Already more than halfway through their unusual and expansive month-long project, folk-rock act Poor Bailey have delivered the goods when it comes to honest songwriting. The band has been releasing one song a day during the month of October to hype up the upcoming release of their full length album, Excerpts from the Happy Dead. Since their release, the songs have reached a level of depth, a maturation of texture, writing and delivery. If these songs are even remotely as enjoyable as the upcoming full length, it’s safe to say that Excerpts from the Happy Dead will be bursting with all the heartfelt poetry for which Poor Bailey records have earned their acclaim.

You can check out The October Project here.

You can also catch Poor Bailey with fellow Bay Area acts Foxtail Brigade and Il Gato at Cafe Du Nord on October 27th presented by our friends at Seaweed Sway. If you caught their amazing performance at last month’s Snob Theater, you might want to check them out again next week. Tickets available here.

This week we have another late Kuestionnaire (I’m a busy person) with lead singer / guitarist Scott Allbright as he provides what could quite possibly be the best answer for question #6.


1. Could you state your name and what you do in the band?
My name is Scott Allbright and I play guitar, sing and write songs for the band Poor Bailey.

2. How would you describe your sound?
I like to describe our sound as Rock and Roll. We don’t really stick to a certain genre necessarily so “rock and roll” seems to be a broad enough term to explain what we do. Lately we have had quite an abundance of new material and I like to group songs in accordance to how they sound. So the categories end up being things like “Tripped out Dylan on Methadone” or “epic end of movie ballad”. Oh, and I’ve also been sort of obsessed with Ennio Morricone and the whole spaghetti western sound which basically just involves adding tremolo and baritone lead guitar parts to songs.

3. What is your favorite local band?
Probably Country Joe and the Fish.

4. Any concerts that blew your mind recently?
The last show that I went to was the Arcade Fire at the Greek. It didn’t necessarily blow my mind but it was pretty dang good. I saw Dave Chappell Perform at the New Parish in Oakland a month or two ago. That blew my mind.

5. Any non-musical influences you would like to mention?
My biggest writing influence is Mark Twain. I’ve never read anything that can compare to him. A lot of my major influences really have nothing to do with music. I like Steve Prefontaine a lot. I like religion, especially really wacky cults. I like really far-fetched conspiracy theories.

6. If your music was to be the theme of a film/TV show, what would it be?
I guess it sort of depends on what song. I would really like to get our song on one of those “Ghost Hunter” type shows. There’s one in particular that has like these three buffed dudes in tight V-neck shirts who talk shit to all the ghosts. I think I would like my song to be on that show.

7. What musician/artist would you like to collaborate with for a day?
I want to jam with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings. Just sit on a porch somewhere and play country songs.

8. What is the album you listen to on a cold rainy day?
I don’t have a car anymore so listening to music in general doesn’t seem to happen as much. My first car was 1964 Chevy Impala and I distinctly remember driving around and listening to OK Computer on rainy days. I think that’s a good rainy day record.

9. List four songs you would listen to on a roadtrip?
Tom Petty records in general are good for driving.

10. Where do you see yourselves in 7 years?
The 7th annual October Project.

11. What is the last book you read?
The last book I finished was Moby Dick. Before that it was Steinbeck’s East of Eden. I like old American Literature… I’ve basically just been reading all the books that I probably would have read in school if I had gone.

12. Is image a factor in music or is it a waste of time?
It’s definitely a big factor in most music. I wouldn’t say it’s a waste of time but it’s pretty darn silly. I don’t pay much attention to it. Maybe I should. I can’t really stand gimmick bands that have matching little outfits and what not. I feel like there are a lot of people out there who start bands just so that they have an excuse to play dress-up, which is fine… I guess.

13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you would like to share?
Awhile back I played a solo show at this art loft type place in Oakland called The Fort Gallery and some homeless woman from the street came in and took over the microphone. It was actually more awesome than embarrassing. I just let her do her thing and backed her up with my acoustic guitar while she sang her heart out.
She was pretty good. Vulgar… but good.

14. Any favorite tour locations?
I like the southern states a lot. Seattle’s fun. I pretty much enjoy being on the road no matter where I am unless it’s Bakersfield.

15. Lastly, what is your present state of mind?
I’m having fun.


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[mp3] Poor Bailey – Angel in Disguise from The October Project (2010)

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[mp3] Country Joe & The Fish – Bass from Electric Music for the Mind and Body (1967)