Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Kata Rokkar + Booka Shade + Subsonic Spookfest 2010 Ticket Giveaway!

Concerts, Contests, Music



Booyah! You can thank us and the German electronic act Booka Shade because we’ve got one pair of tickets to the 2010 Spookfest at The Cow Palace and one of you is meant to have them. You might want to jump on this quickly. You know the lineup and if you don’t, lets review… Underworld, DJ Shadow, MSTRKRFT, Booka Shade, Steve Aoki, Blaqk Audio, Dada Life, Wolfgang Gartner, Fake Blood, Tommy Lee & DJ Aero, Felix Cartal, Classixx, The Limousines, LA Riots, Kid lightning, DJ Omar, Dj Aero, DJ Aaron Axelsen, and Miles the DJ.

Just watch the latest Booka Shade video below and describe it in 3 words. I will pick a winner on Tuesday, October 26th.

Berlin-based Booka Shade (Walter Merziger and Arno Kammermeier) have rocketed to the top of the electro-dance thanks to collaborations with M.A.N.D.Y. and their debut full-length Memento and 2008′s incredibly catchy The Sun & The Neon Light. Their latest release, More!, is a cross over of character based instrumentation and spontaneous beat switches that remind the listener that this respected duo can still unleash spine-tingling soundscapes for the masses.

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[mp3] Booka Shade – Teenage Spaceman (Booka In Space Mix) from More! (2010)

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