Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

album review: Arcade Fire – The Suburbs [2010]

Album Review, Music



Arcade Fire – The Suburbs: Such an enormous album shouldn’t be taken for granted. It’s lazy to say that The Suburbs, Arcade Fire’s third full length album, is overrated and overhyped. The amount of work put into this record is undeniable and the payoff is an album that speaks like non-other released in the past few years. If anything, Suburbs spiritually plays like Sufjan Steven’s Illnoise. At times it’s translated as pretentious, long winded, and even repetitive; but those moments are few and ignored when one appreciates the importance of this album. The Springsteen-size of Empty Room shakes with sweet emotion, both Half Lights (I & II) generate a young U2-like awareness and instrumentation, and even the rolling pop sentiments of Month of May blast this record with a sense of joyousness and responsibility. I can’t help but enjoy this record at it’s fullest extent and if that’s a bad thing, I don’t want to know what’s good.


You can purchase The Suburbs and check out the interactive and life-altering amazing music video for We Used To Wait here.

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[mp3] Arcade Fire – Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) from The Suburbs (2010)