Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

tonight: Weekend, Ty Segall (solo), Terry Malts and Whirl at Milk Bar

Concerts, Music



Well they did it again. Epicsauce brings the best in Bay Area live music to the Milk Bar tonight at Milk with the ever so awesome Weekend, Mr. Ty Segall himself performing solo, Terry Malts and Whirl. Tickets are only $5 at the door with drink specials ($3 PBR/$3 Tecate/$3 Trumer Pils etc..) all night long. If you are in town tonight, you cannot miss this line-up.

“WEEKEND” live at an SF house party from Andrew Crighton on Vimeo.

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[mp3] Weekend – End Times from Weekend & Young Prisms – End Times & I Don’t Get Much 7” (2010)

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[mp3] Ty Segall – Caesar from Melted (2010)

  • http://www.musicalpairings.com Matthew Hickey

    Bummed I didn’t make it out to this yesterday cause I hear it was an awesome show and a great time! Keep up the good work.