Tonight you may want to swing by The Milk Bar and check out a free show with lo-fi noise-makers Tan Dollar, the whisking and bare bones riffs from Dash Jacket, and Denver dream-pop troupe Weed Diamond. Hosted by our friends at Epicsauce and Ears of the Beholder, the show is going on right now. So you might want to head over there if you’re not busy doing nothing.
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[mp3] Weed Diamond – Mint In My Mouth from Carry On + Sweater Kids (2010)
Foo Fighter lead guitarist Chris Shiflett will be swinging by Thee Parkside as Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peasants. Chris’ new project is Americana rooted folk that is a far departure from anything the Foo Fighters have ever done. It’ll be very interesting to see.
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[mp3] Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peasants – Get Along from Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peasants (2010)
Joe Smith