Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Kuestionnaire: Frank Turner (Bonnaroo Series)

Bonnaroo 2010, Concerts, Kuestionnaires, Music



I have known about Frank Turner for quite a while now. Either through Million Dead or his extensive and heartfelt collection of singles, splits, EPs, and full length albums. All of which flutter with honesty and the charming singer-songwriter style that has made Mr. Turner a genuine addition to this year’s Bonnaroo line-up. Last year’s Poetry of the Deed was a much deserved critically acclaimed album that proved that Frank Turner can pull away from the ‘singer-songwriter’ tag and branch out with richer orchestration. He’s becoming the respected artist that he was always meant to be or maybe he always was and everyone else is getting with the program.

Frank Turner will be performing at Bonnaroo on Thursday, June 10th from 10PM-11PM in the Troo Music Lounge.


1. Could you state your name and what you do?
My name is Frank Turner. I am an English folk singer and recovering punk.

2. How would you describe your sound?
I’m a punk kid playing with an acoustic guitar, trying to write good songs.

3. What is your favorite local band?
Depends what you mean by local. Having been on tour for a good 6 years now, there’s not really anywhere I realistically call home, outside of “England”. But on that level, uh Crazy Arm are a fantastic new English band that everyone should check out.

4. Any concerts that blew your mind recently?
I recently went to see old touring buddies Murder By Death, and they were, as ever, totally awesome.

5. Any non-musical influences you would like to mention?
Henry Rollins, Phillip Larkin, libertarianism.

6. If your music was to be the theme of a film/TV show, what would it be?
Battlestar Galactica! Ha! Or maybe Deadwood.

7. What musician/artist would you like to collaborate with for a day?
There are many. Richard Thompson would be amazing, though I suspect I’d be so intimidated I wouldn’t get much done.

8. What is the album you listen to on a cold rainy day?
“Heartbreaker” by Ryan Adams always makes me feel warmer, like a nice mug of cocoa.

9. List four songs you would listen to on a roadtrip?
“Born to Run” (Springsteen), “Constructive Summer” (The Hold Steady), “American Girl” (Tom Petty), “Ace Of Spades” (Motorhead).

10. Where do you see yourselves in 7 years?
Presumably, in a mirror, like usual. Also, probably on tour.

11. What is the last book you read?
I just finished a theoretical defence of the Rule Of Law by Tom Bingham.

12. Is image a factor in music or is it a waste of time?
It depends what music you’re making. Personally I’m not really interested, but then Kiss were rubbish when the make-up came off.

13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you would like to share?
Far too many to mention. I once punched myself in the balls in front of 10,000 people. That was fun.

14. Any favorite tour locations?
Again, many. The South of the USA generally gets a big ol’ thumbs up from me.

15. Lastly, what is your present state of mind?
Jet lagged. Been in about 14 different countries in the last month and consequently have no idea what time of day it is. And I’m in an airport, which doesn’t help.

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[mp3] Frank Turner – Sons of Liberty from Poetry of the Deed (2009)

  • http://seatgeek.com Jon

    I really dig your stuff. Loved Sons of Liberty. I really hear both the punk and classic folk influences. It reminds me almost of a flogging molly type but less Irish and more sincere.

    Totally looking forward to Bonnaroo. Should be a great time, and a great bargain for real music fans. check it out. http://seatgeek.com/blog/ticketbeat/bonnaroo-music-festival-ticket-price-analysis