Such a Shame from Uniform Motion on Vimeo.
Creeping up from behind, kind of like last year’s Noah and the Whale album, aptly titled new album Life may catch you off guard. Releasing on the 9th of February, Life is memorable and modest folk record with obvious nods to Talk Talk and Broken Social Scene. Keep an eye out and remember the name.
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[mp3] Uniform Motion - Roll Over from Life (2010)
Boca Negra, the 5th release of the critically acclaimed Chicago Underground Duo and 10th release by the Chicago Underground Collective is another explosive improvised jazz record that should satisfy any fan of free form jazz music. The band will skip Yoshi’s and go straight to Cafe Du Nord with instrumental avant-garde act Pit Er Pat on the 14th of February. So if you don’t have Valentine’s Day plans as of yet, what’s better than a jazz show?
Purchase Boca Negra here.
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[mp3] Chicago Underground Duo - Spy On The Floor from Boca Negra (2010)
- josh