Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Judgement Day’s Dark Opus Anniversary Show is Tonight! Winner of Contest Announced!

Concerts, Contests, Music



We at Kata Rokkar would like to congratulate Alice Kao for winning two tickets to tonight’s 5th Anniversary Show for Judgement Day’s debut album, Dark Opus. Below is out top 4 submissions along with our 1st place winner’s epic description.

#1brutal searing power [demonic speed + agility] / [raw metal -
exorcism] + imagination [emotion + improvisation] + melancholic heart
of darkness = unhinged explosions of radiant elemental majesty +
[drops of delicate transcendence] ^ innovation = massive,
soul-splitting sonic masterpieces burning with epic intensity and
beauty = string metal with no limitations = 100% Judgement Day.

By Alice Kao

#2Commercialized music has become the norm for the mediocer artist to measure sucess. These guys have surpassed any measurement that is refered to as “good music” and set a new standard for me in what i expect at a live concert. they are the equivilent to a music score of high quality where words are not needed and only emotions remain. they touch your inner soul and accelarate your feelings, and are able to transport you to a moment of deep sadness or deception or frustracion in some said moment of your life.
By Malvina Segura

#3An ice cold glass of medieval death lemonade.
By Brett Foreman

#4It’s like military music, but different…
By Russell Boltwood

Thanks to all that submitted and hope to see you at Annie’s Social Club at 8:30pm tonight. Tickets are a pocket friendly $7.

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Judgement Day – Introduction from Dark Opus (2004)

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Judgement Day – Seventh Circle from Dark Opus (2004)

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Judgement Day – Flight II from Dark Opus (2004)

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Judgement Day – Interlude from Dark Opus (2004)

  • brett

    haha these suck

  • http://katarokkar.cribble.net kata.rokkar

    I think most of these rock. however, there was worse. If you have a better one, please share…