Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Contest: Win a Limited Edition Passion Pit / Topman CTRL T-Shirt

Contests, Music



What could be cooler than your own stylish Passion Pit t-shirt designed by Topman CTRL?

Just leave a comment of 5 words or less telling why you like Passion Pit and you’ll be entered in to win the t-shirt. I will pick one winner on the 15th of December, just in time for the holidays.

For more Topman CTRL including Passion Pit interviews, reviews, and exclusive mp3s click . Check the website out next month as Diplo controls the website to do his bidding.

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Passion Pit – Sleephead (Piano Acoustic) from Minneapolis Public Radio Recording (2009)

  • http://effortlessness.deviantart.com/ Amber

    Because I’m A Happy Sinner.

  • Shaz

    happiness encapsulated in funky-ass tunes

  • natalene

    i want their number

  • amber_

    they make me swoon