Here’s my best attempt at explaining what happen this past weekend at the San Diego Comic-Con for us…
- I missed the Avatar screening but from what I’ve heard it was phenomenal. Welcome back, James Cameron.
- Got to see Terry Gilliam and Vern Troyer talk about Heath Ledger’s last film and see some unreleased footage involving Tom Waits as Satan. It looks….okay, the special effects need work and it’s a bit over-the-top. We’ll see what happens with this…
- There’s this movie called Pandorum coming out that looks like garbage.
- There’s this movie called Kick-Ass coming out that looks FUCKING AWESOME! Think if Mystery Men and Superbad combined into a film that was actually funny, Seriously, this looks good.
- After standing on line for hours, we got to sit on the District 9 panel. Which at first seemed like a bad idea to replace the Halo movie. But it isn’t. District 9 looks like the movie of the year. I am not exaggerating. Probably the best Science Fiction film of our generation. Take my word for it, this is going to be huge.
- We got to hear Peter Jackson & James Cameron talk for an hour about film and the importance of characters, story, and a thick plot. Highlight: A fan stands and says in the Q&A, “… Michael Bay…” *(booo hisssss)* “Wait wait, I know where I’m going with this”
- We missed Iron Man 2 but whatever. There’s always this. (saw Favreau though)
- We got badges that said ‘Professional’ (no, it didn’t get us 1st class access or laid)
- 2 New Words Learned: Swag (free shit you’ll never keep) and Cosplay (people dressing up as Superheroes or whatever)
- Watching people dressed up in costume and playing Rock Band can be extremely entertaining.
- The new Green Hornet car looks really cool
- There’s this Cube car that’s the very definition of ‘Fugly‘
- Saw Jennifer Carpenter, Megan Fox, Jimmy Fallon, Adam West, Brent Spiner and Leonard Nimoy
- I thought this was really cool
- Twilight is gay.
- Scott (cribble) screened his film “She Farted and Created the World” to a 1/4 filled convention room but ended up getting a rave response with a few questions on the film and the story behind it. It went over well. So well that people were hounding him for free buttons and stickers. Well done!
- STAR WARS! How cares right? Well apparently people still do and we weren’t one of them. But the crowd in Hall H went apeshit over the Star Wars Concert coming soon thanks to hype-master, voice of C-3PO and utter pretencious boob Anthony Daniels. Luckily Attack of the Show hosts Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn made light of the hype by subtley poking fun at the cast of The Clone Wars and Mr. “Human Cyborg Relations” Daniels.
- Tori Amos is an indie music icon. Who knew?
- I don’t know what this is…
- I got attacked by this monster beetle who wanted to eat my bag for some reason (better my bag than my face)
- L. Ron Hubbard has comic books! This was a conversation I had with the lady at the desk, Lady at Desk: “Are you a fan of his work?’ Me: “Oh absolutely! I have them all.” Lady at Desk: “really?!?!” Me: “Oh yeah!” Lady at Desk: “Do you want a poster?” Me: “No”
- Saw a MF Doom mask and was about to buy it before I realized how bizarre it would look in my carry-on bag.
Son of Robot –
She Farted And Did Not Make It On The Soundtrack