Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Kuestionnaire: The Rest

General, Kuestionnaires, Music



most recent offering is far more dramatic, melodic, and immense then their previous record, Atlantis, Oh Our Saviour. Adam Bentley’s voice is mellower, more distant, more thoughtful, and more accurate; the acoustics and one-off guitars and thick, saucy cymbals remain consistent, but even here is a lurking, lonely edge, one of functional desperation and oppressive shadow. Everyone All At Once is an album wrote in isolation and you can feel that solitude even after one listen.

Lead vocalist Adam Bentley took the time to answer this week’s Kuestionnaire and shared his serious case of musical geekiness.

1. Of all the bands/artists in your CD/record collection, which one is your most cherished?
I find this is a question that cannot be answered. I just have too many cherished records in my collection. Deep down I’m a huge music geek, and what the is most “cherished” changes quite often. It’s a tough bet picking one item in any discussion for me.

2. What have you been listening to lately?
This I can answer. Every year I go on a major record binge on boxing day, and I’m still enjoying this years fruits.
Vashti Bunyan – Just Another Diamond Day
Nico Muhly – Mothertongue
Deerhunter – Microcastle/Weird Era Cont.
Electroluminescent – Measures
Fennesz – Black Sea
Chad Van Gaalen – SOft AIrplane
Gang Gang Dance – Saint Dymphna
Walkman – You and Me
Earth – The Bee’s Made Honey in The Lion’s Skull
Mount Eerie – Lost Wisdom
Hercules and Love Affair – ST
Free Design – heaven/earth

I’m slowly starting to listen to some new records, but that’s for another day…

3. What’s your favorite local band?
I’m pretty big on both and Gasoline Gathers Hands, Gathers Friends! They are both engaging live performers, and each of their recent recordings have been stellar.
But Hamilton has a bunch of great artists hanging around. Many to check out!

4. What was the last show you attended?
Well, I think the last show I went to when I wasn’t playing was Ohbijou. They played great, hadn’t seen them live and it wasn’t a let down at all.

5. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?
The first time I saw Wilco at Massy hall was quite mind blowing. Sigur Ros at Massey Hall was also another stand out. And The Wrens at The Horseshoe was one of the most uplifting experiences I’ve ever witnessed. There’s a ton of others but those have stuck with me years later.

6. What show are you looking forward to?
I want to go see Antony and the Johnson’s, but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen.

7. What musician would you like to hang out/work with for a day?
I like to find Mark Hollis of Talk Talk fame. Make sure he knows he’s made some of the most mind altering work of the 2oth Century.

8. What four albums you would bring to a deserted island?
Today I’ll Pick.
Talk Talk – Laughing Stalk
The Replacements – Let it Be
The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds
Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

9. Would you call yourself a music geek?
haha, I Already did!

10. Any favorite music-related videos/DVDs you own?
I’ll tell you one I NEED to see…
30th Century Man about Scott Walker. I can’t get my hands on it though. The trailer alone blows my mind.

11. What’s the last book you read?
I’m in the process of The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. I was a huge fan of Blink by the same author, and I’m really enjoying The Tipping Point. Changes your day to day perspective in such a positive manner. I find that many of books of non-fiction, in the similar genre, can become too preachy, or are downright condescending, but Gladwell has a way of laying out the situation in an interesting fashion and makes the reader determine the individual impact.

12. Do you prefer live performances or recording in the studio?
I love performing live. There’s easily an energy or feeling that you don’t necessarily get from recording. That being said if I had to choose between the two I’d record. The possibilities are much more varied and endless, at least I view it that way. Hopefully I’ll never have to choose between the two. They make a good balance.

13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you’d like to share?
The band sang happy birthday to me onstage once. For whatever reason it caught me so off guard having my 6 good friends sing to me during the middle of a show that I became speechless. I’m not too often found speechless.

14. Any favorite tour locations?
We’ve only been able to do onatrio and a small section of Quebec, but I really love going to Montreal to perform. Had some great crowds, and the people have treated us great!
Hopefully next year I’ll have more destinations to choose from!

15. Lastly, what have you done today?
I watched the Toronto Raptors get killed. Seems like my sunday tradition. Sleep in. Eat Food. Watch The Raptors get destroyed by whoever they’re playing.

What’s disturbing about it is that I Enjoy it!

Click to Download The Rest – Modern Time Travel (Necessities)

Click to Download The Rest – Sheep In Wolve’s Clothing

Click to Download electroluminescent – Ampere