Definition: caddywhompus (adj.)
Crooked, uneven, broken, ass-backwards and sideways. (link)
The New Orleans’ freak pop duo aptly named Caddywhompus (which consists of guitarist Chris Rehm and Drummer Sean Hart) is probably what you’d imagine them to sound like. Their debut EP, Caddywhompus EP, is a short yet energetic burst that is over before you know it. At worst, it provides an opportunity to simply rock-the-fuck-out; at its best it’s beautiful, chaotic, and energetic all at the same time. For me, the EP’s shining moment is with the song Absinthesizer, a short up-tempo number that’s as quick as it is straight forward. The whole EP is a blast and is free to download right here. Also keep an eye out for the She EP which should be available the 16th of March. And be sure to catch Caddywhompus on tour next month and at this year’s SXSW.
Guitarist Chris Rehm shares his answers to this week’s Kuestionnaire.
1. Of all the bands/artists in your CD/record collection, which one is your most cherished?
- Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation (collectively, I would assume)
2. What have you been listening to lately?
- Catching up on some Os Mutantes
3. What’s your favorite local band?
- The Pharmacy and
4. What was the last show you attended?
- The Pharmacy at the Saturn Bar
5. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?
- Animal Collective at Pitchfork
6. What show are you looking forward to?
- Dan Deacon’s coming here soon
7. What musician would you like to hang out/work with for a day?
- Dan Deacon, seems like a cool guy
8. What four albums you would bring to a deserted island?
- “How to Escape From a Desert Island” audio book, “How To Get Mad Play on a Desert Island” Dan Rather. “How to Turn Salt Water Into Wine” Jesus. “Fishing, etc.” Tim McGraw.
9. Would you call yourself a music geek?
- Yes
10. Any favorite music-related videos/DVDs you own?
- Heima, Sonic Youth Music Video Compliation DVD, Rock n’ Roll High School (hell yeah)
11. What’s the last book you read?
- Doors of Perception/ Heaven and Hell – Aldous Huxley
12. Do you prefer live performances or recording in the studio?
- I like recording in the studio, but sean (drums) likes live performances.
13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you’d like to share?
- Eight grade voice crack at a battle of the bands.
14. Any favorite tour locations?
-Holland. Actually kidding, We’re working on our first east coast tour this summer. Weekend tours as of right now; school.
15. Lastly, what have you done today?
- Filled out this form in class.
Caddywhompus – This is Where We Blaze the Nuggz