Yesterday’s Henry Rollins performance at the Wells Fargo Center of the Arts was obviously enlightening and absolutely hilarious. So you can imagine how excited I was to finally meet one of my personal heroes and ask him a few questions while he signed my copy of his latest book, A Dull Roar.
Kata Rokkar: So you excited about Coachella?
Henry Rollins: No.
K: (laughs) Any reason?
HR: Well it’s an outdoor festival so that’s always weird. Plus people seem to be confused as to what I will be doing there. Some people think I’m going to be with the band and some think I’ll be speaking and I’m like, Duh! What does it say on the poster?
K: This isn’t your first outdoor festival though right?
HR: Naa, I’ve done Leeds, Edinburgh, Zelt and a few others. It’s fun. So we’ll see what happens. I just hope I don’t make people angry.
K: Any acts you’re looking forward to seeing?
HR: Definitely Tinariwen. They’re this amazing band from Mali that play Tichumaren. I actually flew overseas to catch them live but they had to cancel. It took me two days to fly over there and no joy.
K: So this will be your first time seeing them?
HR: Yeah. Super excited. I’ve only got every CD, LP, and bootleg these guys have ever made.
K: Well I’ll be sure to check it out. See you out there Henry.
HR: Thank you man.
On a side note, I stood behind Tom Waits while I was walking out of the venue. I do believe it was the first time I was starstruck in years.
After watching the above video…I do believe Coachella is the perfect place for Henry to spread his gospel.