After a careful listen, I found that if MGMT collaborated with the Postal Service, you’d get the viciously catchy SUNBEARS! Sorry for the capitol letters but thats how they are addressed. I guess when you tell someone what you’re listening to you need to yell it in their face. Anyway, it’s been quite a good year for the Jacksonville, Florida duo. Not only have they released a super fun album but they just wrapped up a successful tour with the experimental rock band, dredg. SUNBEARS! are one of those acts where you kind of sit back and wait for them to blow up in your face. They aren’t the kind of band that stays unknown for very long. This my friends, is the closest you’ll come to a new Postal Service record (better in my opinion).
You can catch SUNBEARS! at…
Dec 10 2008 8:00P
Jacksonville, Florida
- josh
- Liam