Baltimore Electro-dance maniac Dan Deacon is not your average electronic artist. You won’t precisely understand what I mean until you witness one of his uplifting and truly unique live shows. What happens at these shows is a quasi-religious experience that celebrates our freedom of expression and the randomness of human nature. He brings on a new level of performance electronic music and is showing no signs of slowing down. Lately the man has been putting on the finishing touches to his next album, Bromst, and was cool enough to sit down answer the Kuestionnaire.
1. Of all the bands/artists in your CD/record collection, which one is your most cherished?
probably my harry partch ‘delusion of the fury’ vinyl boxset. besides being one of my favorite pieces of music, it has a really beauitful booklet explaining all of his instruments. i found it in a dumpster of the suny purchase library, that was a great day.
2. What have you been listening to lately?
neil young, talking heads. same stuff i usually listen to.
3. What’s your favorite local band?
thats a really tough question. baltimore fucking rules really hard right now. maybe ed schrader, future islands, blood baby, beach house or santa dads. it depends on the mood i’m in.
4. What was the last show you attended?
health, video hippos, ed schrader, smart growth at sonar in baltimore
5. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?
most likely when i saw they might be giants do a “then set” which is when they played all of their old songs the original way, with just the two of them and the “band machine.” i wish they would do more of that. it was really amazing.
6. What show are you looking forward to?
the play ‘rhinoceros’ at the annex theater. i’m going tomorrow!
7. What musician would you like to hang out/work with for a day?
otis redding
8. What four albums you would bring to a deserted island?
i’d rather bring instruments than albums but if it was albums, maybe ‘rainbow in curved air’ by terry riley. it would help chill me out from the thought of being on a deserted island.
9. Would you call yourself a music geek?
no. i don’t really use the word geek much.
10. Any favorite music-related videos/DVDs you own?
i don’t really have that many videos or DVDs. today i discovered i own a rough cut of an episode of the ‘john larroquette show.’ that show is a real heartbreaker.
11. What’s the last book you read?
i’m almost done with pinchbecks ’2012.’ the last book i read was also by him, ‘breaking open the head.’
12. Do you prefer live performances or recording in the studio?
it depends. i compose about half my work to be listen to at home, and the other half to be listen to live.
13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you’d like to share?
i don’t really have any i haven’t told before. i’m generally an embarrassment
14. Any favorite tour locations?
dublin, knoxville, melbourne, sao paulo, portland, chicago, the bay area.
15. Lastly, what have you done today?
i worked on a tent i’m designing for my next album ‘bromst.’
Dan Deacon will be performing in December at the following locations…
December 11 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Masonic Temple (with ensemble)
December 12 – Colorado Springs, CO @ Ice Age in Colorado College
December 13 – Denver, CO @ Rhinoceropolis
December 19 – Baltimore, MD @ Sonar : BALTIMORE ROUND ROBIN!!!!
December 27 – Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues (opening for Girl Talk)
Dan Deacon – Moses vs Predator
Dan Deacon – I’m 100% F.U.N.
Beach House – Gila