Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

dredged out

Concerts, Music



Is it possible to get sick of a band after seeing them twice in a row? Most would say, “No.” But after talking with a few friends at work, they don’t seem to understand why a person would endure two of the same shows in a row. I don’t have much of a reason except that when you feel passionate enough about a band and it’s unique sound, you are willing to hear that specific band over and over and still feel like you did when you first heard them. It’s a simple as that. Plus, dredg is known to switch it up from time to time. Anyway, last night’s NYC show at the Highline Ballroom was very intense and I expect the same powerful performance from them again today at the Webster Theatre in Hartford, CT. Joining them on this tour are the spacey and the string metal band, Judgement Day. In fact, Judgement Day has been joining the members of dredg on stage to add some strings to a few older dredg songs.

Also, the Sonic Living has made a few posters for the dredg show tonight. Keep refreshing the page to see a different poster…link

dredg – The Papal Insignia

dredg – Bug Eyes (Live at Hyde Street)

dredg – Wind at the End

  • AbiNational

    Can only download Bug Eyes, the others are just coming up as a button