The Bay Area band Facing New York has gone through many many changes over their lifetime. The kind of changes that usually ends your average band, but this is not your average band. The band begun as a five piece but is now successfully surviving as a three piece progressive indie rock band. Their first self titled record (which was recorded in my current home of San Rafael, CA) was a unique fury of At The Drive-In ferocity and progressive space rock. However, their new record, Get Hot, is a perfect example of a band growing in style while keeping their signature sound.
Drummer Omar Cuellar was able to take the time to answer the Kuestionnaire…
1. Of all the bands/artists in your CD/record collection, which one is your most cherished?
Probably way cliche… but the Beatles. Duh.
2. What have you been listening to lately?
I record that our friend made called ‘Home’. His name is .
3. What’s your favorite local band?
I don’t know if local band means like… local band that never made it anywhere… or just a band from one’s locale. for the sake of answering this question, i’m gonna go with the latter. my favorite local band is a band called ‘Why?’
4. What was the last show you attended?
As a matter of fact- ‘Why?’ at Great American Music Hall. A really cool band called Tussle opened for them. They’re from San Francisco too I think.
5. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?
I was like 17. Huge metal fan. Iron Maiden, in San Antonio, TX. Mind-blowing. I caught Nicko McBrain’s drum stick too. Pretty amazing night.
6. What show are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to playing our record release shows. Don’t have plans to attend any shows otherwise.
7. What musician would you like to hang out/work with for a day?
I thought long and hard, and skipped over most obvious answers, and I’m going with ?uestlove. He seems like he’s be full of insight and ideas that I’d like to mooch off of him.
8. What four albums you would bring to a deserted island?
Led Zeppelin’s Houses of the Holy, Radiohead’s Kid A, Gavin Castleton’s Home, and Abbey Road.
9. Would you call yourself a music geek?
10. Any favorite music-related videos/DVDs you own?
I have a pretty cool Buddy Rich DVD. Fastest hands you’ve ever seen. And he’s kind of an asshole too… I can get down with that.
11. What’s the last book you read?
Steinbeck’s To a God Unknown
12. Do you prefer live performances or recording in the studio?
Live, although making ‘Get Hot’ was one of the most fun times I’ve had in the studio.
13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you’d like to share?
No one noticed, but several years ago, me, Brandon, and Rene started playing one song, while Matt and Eric started another. We recovered reasonably well… but it was still quite the clusterfuck.
14. Any favorite tour locations?
Europe was rad.
15. Lastly, what have you done today?
Worked at my shitty restaurant job… now I’m hanging out with my girlfriend and my dog. About to go to dinner with pops to talk to him about how dissatisfied I am with life and what I plan to do to change it….
Facing New York’s Record Release Party will be at the Bottom of the Hill on the 25th and 26th of October. Purchase tickets here.
Facing New York Website /
Gavin Castleton – Hymn 2: Women’s Care in Eflat Major