This month has proven itself to be an interesting enough month for new releases. You have the new Apollo Sunshine, Damien Jurado, Jesu, Mitch Hedburg, Tricky, Jem, TV on the Radio, and some band called Metallica. However, two in particular have caught me by the ear. Portugal. The Man’s “Censored Colors” and The Sound of Animals Fighting’s “The Ocean and The Sun.” Both albums show significant growth from their original material while staying true to the individual sound they have established over the years.
Portugal’s new album could easily mistaken for TV on the Radio b-sides, but don’t let that scare you away as a copy cat band. Censored Colors is able to keep your attention with it’s Beatles influenced hooks and King Crimson-like psychodelia. This is a record to be proud of.
TSOAF’s new record, The Ocean and The Sun, seems like a return to the “kick-you-in-the-teeth” progressive rock they are famous for. Some critics refer to them as a Mars Volta clone, but this record may silence them. It is experimental without being unlistenable and is creative without sounding pretentious. It is may not be their best work (look for Tiger and The Duke EP), it is still worth a respectable listen.
Portugal. The Man – And I
Portugal. The Man – Out and In and In and Out
The Sound of Animals Fighting – The Heraldic Beak of the Manufacturer’s Medallion