Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

Kuestionnaire: Tennis

Kuestionnaires, Music



For those of you that don’t already know the story; two young people from Denver, Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore, go on a wild whim and decide to learn how to sail through How-To books and DVDs and just go on an eight-month journey along the South East Coast in 2009. Out of inspiration of their “Holy Crap! Did we just fucking do that?” journey, they created Tennis. Their 60s-style vocal group infused drift-rock is probably not unlike their epic journey through not only the Eastern seaboard, but also their own indomitable spirit.

You can purchase  their retro fitted and charmingly gorgeous Cape Dory on January 18th .

You can also catch Tennis at The Bottom of the Hill on February 3rd with Air Waves. Tickets here.

This week we have lead singer and travelling half of Tennis, Alaina Moore answer the world famous Kuestionnaire as she provides an interesting reply for question #6.


1. Could you state your name and what you do in the band?
Alaina Moore: vocals, keys

2. How would you describe your sound?
Vintage pop, throwback

3. What is your favorite local band?
Gauntlet Hair

4. Any concerts that blew your mind recently?
The more shows we play the less we actually see, but we had a chance to play a few dates with our labelmates The Walkmen and were always impressed by their live show. Those guys are next level.

5. Any non-musical influences you would like to mention?
Sailors like Eric Hiscock, or Lyn and Larry Pardey are big influences personally, and in a weird way musically.

6. If your music was to be the theme of a film/TV show, what would it be?
A Sailing tutorial DVD series or the movie Deathwish

7. What musician/artist would you like to collaborate with for a day?
Dent May, without a doubt

8. What is the album you listen to on a cold rainy day?
Whoever the latest American Idol winner is

9. List four songs you would listen to on a roadtrip?
Kraftwerk Autobahn, Brenda Lee Dynamite, Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick and Tich, Hold Tight, Estelle, American Boy

10. Where do you see yourselves in 7 years?
On a boat in a hurricane, drunk

11. What is the last book you read?
White Noise by Don Delillo

12. Is image a factor in music or is it a waste of time?
I think image is important for a band because it helps listeners conceptualize a band’s music. It’s important as a listener to be able to make associations between the musician and the music, public image makes this possible. It’s a good thing and a bad thing, an overly contrived image can detract from the music. It’s really easy for a band’s image, or public persona seem to lose its authenticity. Fans are sensitive to that, or at least I am with artists I admire.

13. Any embarrassing moments on stage you would like to share?
None so far, but Patrick and I did have to play a string of shows while dealing with terrible sinus infections. We both felt so sick and feverish it was really hard to make it through each set, and all the shows were sold out! We hope we don’t have to go through that again anytime soon.

14. Any favorite tour locations?
We loved playing in Toronto, and always have fun in New York.

15. Lastly, what is your present state of mind?
That is a really good question, right now, sleep deprived and really excited to be in Europe together.


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[mp3] Tennis – Take Me Somewhere from Cape Dory (2011)

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[mp3] Gauntlet Hair – Out, Don’t.. (2010)