Kata Rokkar Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

8 Tracks Mix-Fest

Mixes/Playlists, Music



Since Muxtape has been down, the creative mix tape public has been hungry for more free online streaming sites to display their wonderful ability to piece together other people’s music into collages of awesomecore. Last.fm’s playlist capability isn’t that hot and Imeem is okay. Lately though, I’ve fallen in love with 8 Tracks. You post 8 tracks in whatever order you like, add artwork, and send it to friends or embed it on your website. Not nearly as stlyish as Muxtape, but it’ll suffice until the RIAA figures out how many ways they want to fuck them sideways.

So I kind of went nuts last night and made a few mixes to satisfy your ears for a bit.

Music You Can Watch Mix

Songs For Abi

You’re No Laymen: A Hip-Hop Mix

Here are some highlights…

P.O.S. – Duct Tape

Black Kids – Hurricane Jane

Bruno Coulais – Beating Drums

  • http://www.myspace.com/astroraw Astro Raw

    I digs the music you post. check out Astro Raw on myspace. its beat bumpin. cool beeans. peace.
    -Astro Raw