“What’s that Shawn? You haven’t finished talking about SXSW?”
No I haven’t Mr. Made-Up-Person, I have not. It’s called “being super busy with stuff.” Now that those things are done, I can wrap this shit up and move on to other stuff. What do you say? Wanna read about a festival that happened two months ago? Yes? Okay one person, I shall!

Band: K.Flay
Venue: Red Eyed Fly
Thoughts: Going off my notes, it says, “Shit was crazy!” To elaborate, K.Flay is worth every ounce of respect provided to her from the local Bay Area and international hip-hop community. She creates her own beats on the spot and flows perfectly with polished lyrical witticism that flows through her seamlessly. Add a drummer that seems to share her thoughts telepathically and you’ve got an amazing show. The real reward from this set were members of the audience saying, “Who is this again? K.Flay? Never heard of her, but my mind is BLOWN!” I heard that and similar declarations at least 3 times during her set. Go get’em girl!
Sponsor: DIY Mutha Fuka!
MP3: K.Flay – Stop, Focus from Eyes Shut EP (2012)
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Slow Club
Band: Slow Club
Venue: Red Eyed Fly
Thoughts: In my notebook I wrote, “Pretty good.” I concur past thoughts! I stayed for a couple songs but enough to garner an opinion that included me deciding they were “pretty good”. The music resembled a folk-synth genre that’s heavy on the drums and vocal harmonies. I’ll be keeping an eye out for these folks.
Sponsor: Drummer vocalists are IN!
MP3: Slow Club – Two Cousins from Paradise (2011)
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Zola Jesus

Zola Jesus

Zola Jesus
Band: Zola Jesus
Venue: Club De Ville
Thoughts: I have been meaning to see this indie pop diva for quite some time now and boy am I glad I finally did. This dramatic ball of fury could easily just stand around and belt out that intimidating and booming voice of hers but Zola instead chose to dance and climb speakers while she flawlessly sung beautiful melodies into the microphone. She’s the real thing people, don’t miss her if she swings by your town’s musical establishments.
Sponsor: The Tiny Diva Committee
MP3: Zola Jesus – Hikikomori from Conatus (2011)
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Washed Out

Washed Out
Band: Washed Out
Venue: Club De Ville
Thoughts: Washed Out wins the award for “Most Misguiding Live Performance.” Why? Well listening to Ernest Greene and crew’s albums, you would think it would be a calm and “press play” like live show. Not the case here. The band improvise and spruce up each song with extra instruments and layers that enhance the music rather than make it indecipherable. You still recognize the song you’re hearing, but it’s almost like the first time you’ve heard it. Even the hit Feel It All Around got it’s own special edit. It would be nice to hear a live album from Washed Out in the near future.
Sponsor: Unexpected Awesomeness
MP3: Washed Out – Amor Fati from Within or Without (2011)
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Band: PAPA
Venue: Cheer Up Charlies
Thoughts: PAPA crafted one of my favorite EPs of last year and I was really looking forward to catching them this SXSW. After seeing an unexpectedly awesome set from their opening slot for Girls a few months prior, I instantly fell in love with their uplifting pop sensibilities. They did not disappoint. Plenty of catchy hooks and joyous 4-minute slices of fun for the unsuspecting Austin crowd. I for one am looking forward to a full length album from these gentlemen.
Sponsor: Unsuccessful front flips off the stage (see above)
MP3: PAPA – Ain’t It So from A Good Woman Is Hard To Find EP (2011)
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Dan Deacon

Dan Deacon

Dan Deacon

Dan Deacon
Band: Dan Deacon
Venue: Cheer Up Charlies
Thoughts: I had to see Dan Deacon at least once at this festival. He already had a handful of performances throughout the week but having missed them all, it was vital for me to see at least one. If you haven’t been to a Dan Deacon show, it’s pretty much an answer to the question, “Is there such thing as too much fun?” Well this gets pretty damn close. It’s a magnetic feeling to see so many people laugh and smile in one place. No one is sparred, it’s basically reenacting the joy you felt when you first did the parachute exercise in kindergarten. I really can’t listen to Dan on record but I will never pass up the opportunity to see him live. Aside from the creepy guy staring at Dan for almost the whole show (see screaming guy in picture #2), it was yet another delightful experience for myself and everyone present.
Sponsor: The Best Time You’ll Ever Have At A Show…Ever
MP3: Dan Deacon – Paddling Ghost from Bromst (2009)
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Band: Exitmusic
Venue:Lustre Pearl
Thoughts: There’s something sweet in a damaging way about Exitmusic. Listening to them live evokes feelings of post-apocalyptic fervor and whirling atmospherics. They stand completely still while the music they create is booming and very dramatic. This kind of messes with my experience since I want my artists to match their emotions to the music they play. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy Exitmusic, but I would’ve liked more character in their performance. I think that’s a fair request.
Sponsor: Thematic Electronic Landscape Soundtracks
MP3: Exitmusic – Passage from Passage (2012)
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Delta Spirit

Delta Spirit

Delta Spirit

Delta Spirit
Band: Delta Spirit
Venue: Stubb’s BBQ
Thoughts: I’ll admit, I had no idea who I was seeing for the first couple songs. But when they played People C’mon, I thought to myself, “Holy shit! This is fucking Delta Spirit?!?!” I say this because they are insane live. Every band member, especially lead guitarist/vocalist Matthew Vasquez, belt out every song with a staggering amount of energy. It makes you wonder if the band does this at every show because it must exhausting to perform at this level of intensity nightly. Anyway, it was probably one of most unexpectedly enjoyable shows of the festival.
Sponsor: Surprise Awesomeness!
MP3: Delta Spirit – California from Delta Spirit (2012)
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Band: fun.
Venue: Stubb’s BBQ
Thoughts: I figured I’d risk my indie rock cred and see these guys live. Despite the fact that I’m not the biggest fan of their brand of orchestrated Ben Folds-style pop rock, it was a pretty strong performance from this NYC act. Their band name is quite a direct representative of what these guys are about live. Lead singer Nate Ruess performs expressively and almost theatrically, like he’s amazed that people enjoy their music and are even present to see them perform. Well the crowd ate it up, even though most of them left after their Top 100 Billboard and new “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!” pop single We Are Young, which I admittedly sang along to. Don’t judge me!
Sponsor: Unabashed Enjoyment
MP3: fun. – One Foot from Some Nights (2012)
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