Seeing Teddybears live was like experiencing my childhood imagination fuse with my present day activities. This was probably the most fun I have ever had jumping around with teddy bears. As soon as the band hit the stage, the whole crowd was thrashing around like dancing water in a hidden cove. The band was visually comical and incredibly lively (however, one of the members actually tried to steal my girlfriend’s beer).
Teddybears led an energetic and high-spirited crowd that was entranced by their glowing red eyes that pierced through the Rickshaw Stop. One would think that the Swedish group’s large teddy bear helmets would be gimmicky, however they work surprisingly well in a live setting. On the surface they are adorable with their sharp suits, but once the music began, the band was suddenly transformed into a 4-man party machine. Their stage presence instantly connected with the young crowd as they blended the influences of electronic music, pop, hip hop, and rock. I appreciated their extremely variety based sound and what they are accomplishing. Plus their DJ set exceeded my (non-existent) expectations, but it was far from perfect.
At times the band seemed a little messy, as they tried to encompass too broad of a spectrum of music styles. Hearing a bit of dubstep thrown into the mix threw me off and seemed a bit out of place; it just did not transition well. Hip hop elements were also present, but that seemed to melt much smoother with that band’s unique approach. These are minor complaints though, considering the fact that Teddybears created a high-energy celebratory atmosphere. Despite the minor complaints, I’ll admit it’s hard to not have an awesome time at a Teddybears concert.
You can pick up Teddybears‘ new album Devil Music, .
Written and photographed by Mark Palomar
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Teddybears – Cardiac Arrest (feat. Robyn) from Devil’s Music (2011)