Florida’s own SUNBEARS! (that’s their band name, I’m not yelling at you) have finally been touring this great USA with their new album You Will Live Forever. Seriously, it’s about time. They have already released two ace EPs; the psychedelic and bombastic FOR EVERYONE and the consciousness-expanding and mind-shattering Dream Happy Dreams. You Will Live Forever, the 13-track Kickstarter-funded album has launched SUNBEARS! into the blogosphere and for good reason. You Will Live Forever is a playful display of psychedelic pop music for the non-cynical crowd. Songs like The Uncertainty Paradigm are covered in 60s influence, with echo-chamber voices, intentionally over-compressed drums, and a positivity that is hard to dismiss.
The duo will be opening with our own Agent Ribbons, Emily Jane White, Social Studies, and The Ian Fays. The show itself is an all-star team of Bay Area indie pop (Agent Ribbons and Social Studies) and true creative songwriters (The Ian Fays and Emily Jane White). SUNBEARS! don’t know how lucky they are to be apart of this line-up.
Purchase tickets for $5 now.
Also purchase You Will Live Forever here.
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SUNBEARS! – Give Love A Try from You Will Live Forever (2011)