Kata Rokkar — Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.

VIDEO/FRIDAY SHOW: Amor de Días at Bottom of the Hill



Concerts, Music

Amor de Días – Late Mornings from Merge Records on Vimeo.

The amount of genres thrown into Amor de Días is staggeringly impossible to nail down. The new project from Alasdair MacLean of The Clientele and Lupe Núñez-Fernández of Pipas which will feature both artists handling Spanish guitars with backup a cellist. As the feature act for Damon & Naomi behind their brand new full-length album, Street of the Love of Days, Amor de Días is definitely an act to see on this magical tour.

Paint us excited!

See Amor de Días Friday, June 3rd at Bottom of the Hill with Damon & Naomi. Show is at 9:30pm and is 21+.

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Amor de Dias – Bunhill Fields from Street of the Love of Days (2011)