For those of you looking for another lonely chapter to the weariness and depressing sentiment of J. Tillman (Fleet Foxes ex-drummer), look elsewhere. Josh’s new project, entitled Father John Misty is brighter, more upbeat, and straight up hilarious. With lyrics like, “…Me tracing the expanse of your American back / With Adderall and weed in my veins / You came…I think,” you have wonder what happened from now and 2011’s I Will Return. But who cares? This new Tillman comes armed with hilarious stage banter and a certain charm that is much more inviting than anything he’s ever done. With a young Jenny O. (who sounded like a hybrid of Sea of Bees) in tow, Josh performed rare acoustic set at San Rafael’s TRI Studios. Here’s some of our captures. Enjoy.
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Jenny O. – All My Wishes from Home EP (2010)
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Father John Misty – Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings from Fear Fun (2012)

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Jenny O.

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty

Father John Misty and Jenny O.