Kata Rokkar — Kata Rokkar – A Bay Area based blog about music, life and stuff by Shawn Robbins.


CONTEST: Design for Deadmau5



Contests, Featured, Music

Talenthouse has kicked off a new remix contest featuring Electro House top artist Deadmau5. They are looking for some special and talented person (you?) to make a design his “Mau5” head for all his promotional events and deadmau5’s signature ‘Unhooked‘ shows. “What do I get out of this?” you’re wondering, well, in addition to getting to tell all your friends you designed his new weird head, and getting your picture taken with Deadmau5 on his web site, the winner will receive 2 VIP passes to a Deadmau5 performance in Los Angeles and will meet Deadmau5 at an in-store event in Los Angeles in August 2011.

Here the details:

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Deadmau5 – Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Extended Remix) from Raise Your Weapon (2010)