The next day I decided to venture up to High Camp and walk around the festival grounds. With breathtaking sights, kickass bike trails and a paintball course; Wanderlust was turning into more of an amazing introduction to summer in Tahoe than a run-of-the-mill concert festival.
Like I said in the Day One post, the atmosphere of the festival and clientele that roamed the grounds made for a very positive experience. Most festivals are crammed with drunken frat douche-bags yelling and screaming as well as skinny LA hipster whores who are more interested in boning the band that listening to it.
Yes, it got weird here and there and the yoga in the parking lot was a bit odd. But if that’s the most annoying thing at a music festival, than I think Wanderlust might have something great going for itself. The food is great too (organic and healthy)! Just…try to tone the flower child behavior down a bit.

Rupa & the April Fishes

Rupa & the April Fishes

Rupa & the April Fishes
Alright! San Francisco’s own Rupa & the April Fishes were definitely one of my most anticipated acts of the festival and boy did they meet my high expectations. Singing in Spanish, French, and English, Rupa rained an overwhelming variety of gypsy folk, tango, and gorgeous Latin flavor. Plus the talent coming from the rest of the band was palpable. Knowing full well that Rupa & the April Fishes are an extremely talented band, it brought me great happiness that the crowd began to grow and really enjoy the music. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to a festival where more people were dancing than standing still.
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[mp3] Rupa & The April Fishes – Culpa de La Luna from Este Mundo (2009)

Beats Antique

Beats Antique

Beats Antique
I was very unfamiliar with Beats Antique and I’m sure the rest of the crowd was as well. What we got was a drum heavy dub act that mixed batucada and belly dancing into a very entertaining show. Well, actually it got old about halfway through to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, the women were beautiful and the music was chill, but it got to the point where the songs sounded the same and no amount of gorgeous women could rectify that. I would recommend you check them out at Outside Land Festival next week if you can. I’d like to hear more opinions on this band.
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[mp3] beats antique – She’s looking for something (feat. lynx and janover) from Contraption (EP vol I ) (2009)

The Brazilian Girls

The Brazilian Girls

The Brazilian Girls

The Brazilian Girls
Ah yes, Brazilian Girls closed the festival with their effortlessly adorable nature and infectious sounds. No more seductive and hip than the last time I saw Sabina Sciubba strut around on stage at Treasure Island Music Festival last year. Singing in English, French, Spanish, and German, Sabina brought on the classics as well as a new song that I forget the name of. Their modern trip-hop feel always sounded great live to me and this was no exception. Granted the crowd was thinning due the fact that it was a Sunday night and Tahoe isn’t exactly close to anything other than Reno. But what was left took it all in and showed enthusiasm for this sophisticated electronic act.
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[mp3] Brazilian Girls – Pussy from Brazilian Girls (2005)
So was Wanderlust better than last year? Well I didn’t go last year, but I’m assuming probably not. You can’t go wrong with Spoon, Sharon Jones, Andrew Bird, and Broken Social Scene on top of a mountain. I can imagine how that would be expensive for the organizers and how the music might have not related to the event whatsoever. The line-up this year was definitely more ‘appropriate’ for the atmosphere that Wanderlust is trying to settle in. Wanderlust is a spiritual festival that requires an open mind and a love of the outdoors. It’s not your average music festival at all and that is probably the best thing it has going for itself.
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