10. Treasure Island Festival Day 1 – Goldfrapp, Hot Chip, TV on the Radio, Justice, Amon Tobin, CSS, Aesop Rock, Foals, Nortec Collective, Loquat, Chester French, and Mike Relm:
Saturday 20 September 2008
Treasure Island
San Francisco, CA
What could have been a fantastic festival with non-stop fun ended up being…well just okay. While the performances were outstanding, the crowd was the biggest issue I had. I’ve never seen so many people avoid conversation in my life. I guess that’s what these Berkeley trust fund babies consider proper communication these days. On top of that, I was smack dab in the middle of what felt like an ecstasy party just before Justice’s set. Remind me to never go to another festival the day before I have to get up for work. But besides all that horse crap, TV on the Radio was unbelievably fun live, Foals seemed bored at first but livened things up around mid-set, Loquat gained a new fan (me), Aesop Rock can spit rhymes pretty well despite how high he said he was, Hot Chip were good from what I could tell, Goldfrapp was adorable, and Justice is a fucking beast live. So yeah, I had fun. But God damn it people, show some respect to this lowly New Englander living on the West Coast.
9. Holy Fuck, A Place to Bury Strangers, and Tiny Whales:
Friday 21 March 2008
Middle East Upstairs
Cambridge, MA
Now before you ever decide to see A Place to Bury Strangers live, remember your earplugs. They will most likely cause tinnitus. Anyway, the improvisation of Holy Fuck is a marvel to watch. I look forward to see what they have in store for 2009.
8. Cursive, Deer Tick, and Malipas:
Monday 21 April 2008
Club Hell
Providence, RI
Finally seeing Cursive in concert was quite an expectedly awesome moment for me. An unexpected moment was my discovery of Deer Tick. I foresee myself attending more Deer Tick shows in the future. (P.S. – don’t let anyone fool you. There seriously is nothing to do in Providence, RI)
7. Saul Williams and Buddy Wakefield / Saul Williams and Dragon of Zynth:
Saturday 19 January 2008 / Brandeis University
Tuesday 8 April 2008 / Paradise Rock Club
Boston, MA
He may be aloof at times and a little over dramatic, but he is without a doubt a master showman. Seeing both his performances in slam poetry and with a full band helped me better understand this truly unique artist.
6. Explosions in the Sky and Lichens:
Saturday 5 April 2008
Providence, RI
The sheer breathtaking power of Explosions is indisputable. This is what I’ve been told time and time again and I finally found that out on a cold day in April with some good friends.
Explosions in the Sky – A Song For Our Fathers
Holy Fuck – Lovely Allen
Saul Williams – Live From No Man’s Land
Justice – Genesis (CCCR remix)