Welcome all to the resurrection of Kata Rokkar. We did some obvious renovating as well as an address change. Many thanks go the Scott Coello for this amazing design. As some older readers may know, we were having some hosting problems, but that has since passed. This is the dawn of a new era! In the past few months, I have personally gone through some major changes. For one, I have moved from Newburyport, MA to sunny San Rafael, CA. 3000 miles away from the people I love. This is both a scary and exciting experience for me. I hardly know anyone out here, but I’m excited to see where things go at this juncture. Secondly, I lost two of my best friends in an instant. No, they’re not dead. It was an act of betrayal and selfishness on their part that showed me their true colors. I have since been trying to cope with the whole ordeal. However, it’s been interesting to find who’s willing to help you through events like this.
You find friends in the weirdest places…
Anyway, let’s get things started! Since this is the very first post on the new site, I might as well start fresh with the rules (booooo). Shut up.
#1: This is not a free mp3 blog. I do not post full albums or give out links to illegally download full albums. The full songs I post are for promotional use only. If you like what you hear, do the artist a favor and purchase their record or attend their shows. The bands and artists here make a living creating wonderful music, so please support them.
#2: If you are a band or label that wants me to hear your music, send it! However, don’t be insulted if your band isn’t posted the day you send the email. I get tied up and sometimes I can’t get to all of them. Maybe your band wasn’t that good to begin with. I don’t know. But I’ll be sure to send you an email letting you know that I have posted about your band/artist. Just be patient.
#3: Insulting and spam will not be tolerated. If you aren’t happy with what I said or what someone said, think of some kind of articulate way of explaining why. Also, I take constructive criticism well. If you have suggestions, feel free to let me know.
#4: If you are a record company that is pissed that I posted a song, tell me first! Don’t go and be a jerk and try to get me in trouble. I only posted the song to help the artist. So if you want me to take it down, I will remove it without question. No middle man involved.
#5: Tell all your friends about me! I started this blog to let people know that there is a whole new world of talented musicians out there. If you think a friend of yours may like what’s posted here. Share the link. The more the merrier.
That’s about it. I’m still doing Kuestionnaires with artists, I will be reporting from the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco this weekend, I have tons of pent up awesomeness heading your way. Stay tuned, there is so much more to come….
This Will Destroy You – The World is Our _____